6 reasons why a man should go to the barbershop

6 reasons why a man should go to the barbershop

  Are you often disappointed with your haircut? If so, then you're probably cutting in the wrong place.

  Although we usually post hair tutorials, today we bring you a different article. It's important to keep up to date with the latest men's haircuts, but it's just as important to talk about other areas of the profession.

 One of these areas is location. You could have done everything right and still get a bad haircut. It's also possible to go in for your haircut with a photo AND detailed instructions in hand and still leave with a disappointing haircut.

 If you go to a hairdresser, this is probably the source of the problem. A lot of men go to hair salons or places with the words ΄΄clips΄΄ and ΄΄cuts΄΄ in the name. These businesses serve the general public. Because of this, hairdressers have a wide range of skills. This sounds good at first, but what you really need is an expert. So instead of the hairdresser, who is trained in a multitude of haircuts, you need someone who is an expert in a few..but well.

 And this is where the barbers make their appearance. The barbers are specially trained in men's haircuts. They know what the man wants when it comes to his haircut and are familiar with the whole range of styles. Besides, leaving your haircut in the capable hands of a barber makes you feel more secure, as he can identify with you. Being a man himself, your barber will use his knowledge to help you choose the best for you.

   Let's not forget, that it is not only the haircut that counts in a barbershop, but the overall experience, which has nothing to do with a simple salon. Inside the barbershop, you can relax and forget in a pleasant and welcoming environment, which is far better than the ΄΄sterile΄΄ atmosphere of hair salons.

  In the end, it's your decision where you trust your haircut. But before you make your final decision, we have ΄΄6 reasons WHY you should go to a barbershop΄΄.

 A barber knows how to cut your hair 

  Hair salons hire beauticians, who are trained in haircuts but ALSO in dyeing, perming and other services. Most men do not need these services. What they need though, is someone who knows how to give an incredible haircut.

  Barbers are trained specifically in the art of men's hairstyles. They are trained in different types of hair and haircuts so they have a good knowledge of classic haircuts like the undercut and the pompadour. They also know what to recommend if you have any questions. While beauticians can only give you general and vague suggestions, barbers can suggest the ideal haircut by analyzing your hair type and face shape.

The environment of barbers is male-dominated………

  Let's be honest with ourselves: Do you enjoy going to the salon? The answer is, probably not. The experience is either painfully boring or tolerable at best.

  Barbershops, on the other hand, are designed around the man. Each one of course is different from the other, whenever you have to go to several until you find the 1.

Visiting the barbershop is a unique experience

Most salons look the same, if you've seen one, trust us, you've seen them all. The atmosphere (as well as the service, many times) is just cold.

 The bar offers you a unique experience. Starting from the location of the barber shop (old high-ceilinged buildings, etc.), the decoration (modern, vintage, industrial, etc.). Many of them offer drinks, beers and coffees before and during the treatment and the barbers are happy to have a chat with you, not just what are we going to do today? 

 At the barbershop, you will get much more than just a haircut 

  If you go to a hair salon, the services for you are obviously very limited. You will have a haircut, a bath and that's it. 

The barbershop offers other services, in addition to haircuts, for men only. You can groom your beard, mustache, enjoy a head massage and much more. Of course, this includes shaving with a razor (falcheta) and a hot towel, every decent barbershop must provide this experience to the customer!

At the bar you will find first class products 

 Most hair salons provide simple styling products such as shampoos and gels, so if you are interested in a good quality and more specialized product then you are better off going to a barber shop. Your barber will be able to help you choose the right product depending on your hair type and the style you want to achieve.

In fact the barbershop is better for you AND your wallet 

 The low prices of hair salons are certainly attractive. In America, a simple haircut in a hair salon costs about 10$, while in barbershops the price ranges from 15$ to 25$ and above. 

So if they're more expensive, how are they better for your wallet? Initially, the haircut you will receive will be 10000 times better than the salon quality, but it will also be what you wanted. With the 15$ you usually get 2 services in a package, a haircut and a shave. But beyond these, your barber can answer any questions you have about hair, haircuts or styles. So, although barbershops seem more expensive at first, they are actually money savers. 

How to find a good barbershop

Read online reviews – Sites like Facebook provide reviews of local barbershops, and generally give a good first impression of how good the business is

Source: https://haircutinspiration.com/6-reasons-you-should-go-to-a-barbershop/

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